A5243: Non-US Genomic Sampling

Closed to accrual

A5243: Non-US Genomic Sampling Plan for Obtaining Human Biological Samples at Non-U.S. Clinical Research Sites for Currently Unspecified Genetic Analyses

Treatment Category

Hepatitis, HIV comorbidities and complications, HIV Cure, HIV Treatment, Tuberculosis

Study Description

Collecting blood and saliva samples from former and current ACTG study participants for future HIV-related genetic testing.

This is a study to collect blood and saliva samples from former and current participants in AIDS Clinical Trial Group (ACTG) studies at non-U.S. sites.

Study Purpose

All samples will be stored for future HIV-related genetic testing. Any use of these samples will have to be approved both by the ACTG and by site Ethics Committees.


Target Participant

Former and current participants in ACTG studies at non-U.S. sites.

Study Details

Participants will be asked to sign a written informed consent indicating whether they are or are not willing to provide a saliva and a blood sample.

At entry, participants who are willing to do so will provide a single saliva and a single blood sample. Participation in the study will end after the samples are collected.


Treatments Or Drugs Involved With Study

No treatment will be provided through or required by the study.
